Edge swipe gesture Apk


highest welcome back today we will talk about one of the best application in Play Store the application name is age is why most of the premium mobiles comes this future like a full screen mode Edge swipe gesture Apk

if you are using word very Android version is very low budget me this feature is not create on your mobile so by the way you can use this application

you can get that feature on flagship mobiles let’s start how to use this application Edge swipe gesture Apk.


the download link and of this page if it just click that link and download from that link otherwise you go to your play store and search it it is 5 screen after that you will get so many result Edge swipe gesture Apk

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you just click install that first result of the page then you will cut open the permission and are all the permission of this mobile then you need to to click the Allow all the permissions it’s working very good


the best feature of this application is to swipe left side right side everything is working very good most of the flagship mobile come this feature but very lowest mobile not coming

this feature where you can use this application you also try to likes flagship mobile I am using so many days is working pretty good that’s why I am making this post and share your friends family members to everyone


It’s working very pretty good that’s open the application and give all the permissions after that it just gives a full screen mode if you need left right swipe

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then you to go to home rights go to back which command you want just select from that come and after that it working very good suppose if you are having full screen mode Edge swipe gesture Apk

you just fly from display it on ghost home screen swipe to right side it goes to back so it is one of the best idea to make back and home try guys


finally I would like to say something about this application is one of the best application in Play Store through walking full screen mode like left side right side swipe

which command you want to want just give the command and execute thanks for watching guys and other share your friends members to everyone and also follow my Facebook Instagram on YouTube.

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